Course credits

We acknowledge the value of providing opportunities for students to build upon their prior learning, whether this learning was acquired through structured courses or gained through life experience or work experience.

1. Qualification Pathways to a Degree at Think Education

If you have already completed a qualification you may be able to credit this against your degree with us, even if it’s from another institution. We will carefully review the learning gained from this qualification to ensure we provide you with credit towards our degrees whenever appropriate. Learning gained through a qualification is referred to as ‘formal learning’ in our Credit Policy.

We offer guaranteed credit for the following qualifications:

  • Diploma of Remedial Massage
    National code:
    HLT52015 (HLT50307 HLT50302)

    Institution this qualification was awarded:

    You may upgrade to this course:
    Bachelor of Health Science (Clinical Myotherapy)

    Subjects credited:
    12 of 36

    Credit points:
    120 of 360

    Download course credit agreement
  • Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy
    National code:

    Institution this qualification was awarded:

    You may upgrade to this course:
    Bachelor of Health Science (Clinical Myotherapy)

    Subjects credited:
    24 of 36

    Credit points:
    240 of 360

    Download course credit agreement

    National code:

    Institution this qualification was awarded:

    You may upgrade to this course:
    BHSCMYO13 Bachelor of Health Science (Clinical Myotherapy)

    Subjects credited:
    24 of 36

    Credit points:
    240 of 360

    Download course credit agreement
  • Certificate III in Individual Support
    National code:

    Institution this qualification was awarded:
    Charlton Brown

    You may upgrade to this course:
    Diploma of Nursing

    Subjects credited:
    3x units of competency (not subjects)

    Credit points:
    Contact us for more information

  • Certificate IV in Ageing Support
    National code:

    Institution this qualification was awarded:
    Charlton Brown

    You may upgrade to this course:
    Diploma of Nursing

    Subjects credited:
    3x units of competency (not subjects)

    Credit points:
    Contact us for more information

Evidence to support an application for credit based on formal learning includes:
  • AQF qualification testamur issued by an accredited institution
  • formal academic transcript issued by an accredited institution
  • statement of attainment issued by an accredited institution
  • overseas qualification issued by an institution listed in the AEI NOOSR Country Education Profiles
  • syllabus copy detailing the learning outcomes and assessments of the subject(s) undertaken

2. Recognition of prior learning

Learning as the result of work or life experience, self-tuition, hobby or leisure activities (i.e. informal learning) or a structured course that does not lead to an officially accredited qualification (i.e. non-formal learning) may be credited against your degree with us. For further information about these types of learning, refer to our Credit Policy. Each application is assessed individually, and your experience matched to the learning outcomes of the subjects covered in your course. All claimed work experience must be relevant to the qualification being applied for. Evidence to support an application for credit based on informal and/or non-formal learning includes:

  • letters from employers/references (on business letterhead)
  • curriculum vitae, and corroborating evidence
  • work documents/job statement and evidence of process
  • portfolios containing samples of work
  • interviews
  • presentations or practical demonstrations
  • challenge exam
  • performance review evidence
  • non-award professional development courses, and other non-AQF awards and certificates
  • recognition of merit, or industry awards
Please note: standard entry requirements still apply. Entry requirements for Think Education courses can be accessed from our website. For more information on qualification upgrades, pathways, recognition of prior learning, and how to apply for course credit contact us or read our Credit Policy.
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